Sunday, November 27, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog for World Language teachers!  I am starting this blog as a way to share technological resources that can be used in the teaching of a world language.  My goal is to share a different tool each week. However as a busy Spanish teacher myself, some weeks my schedule may not allow for it. If you decide to follow this blog, I would love to hear from you about resources that you use.  Resources that I hope to share include apps, websites, and web 2.0 tools. 

The first resource I would like to share with you is Socrative.  Socrative is currently in beta.  It is a student response system similar to the student response device systems that schools can purchase.  However Socrative works with any internet capable device (i.e., a phone, iPad, iPod touch, or laptop). As a teacher you create an account.  The site assigns you a room number which your students then log in to in order to complete the activities you assign them. The site supplies the teacher with immediate feedback through a spreadsheet format which is emailed to you. I highly recommend you check it out at:   My students love it.  Especially the Space Race option.